
Hope you had a great weekend adventure!! Heres a pic for you of my weekend..hope you like it!!!

Last weeks ahead...

Alas ,after a great summer in Florida, its now coming to an end. I will be coming home early /mid october to await word on our CA store. I can honestly say the Summer of 2010 was definitely one to remember. I made alot of good friends,ones I hope to have around for a long time. I stayed in a nice spot which was definitely the best place I have lived thus far and experienced really really coool things on the east coast. Most of my summer was spent working and sweating the days away. Ditching tropical rain storms, and even a trip to the everglades to wrangle an alligator (which was almost accomplished).And experiencing great food and nightlife. All in all I cant complain,memories were made and good times were had. Makes me sad. But on the bright side I now have the money for an apartment when I get back to cali and Emma and I are that much closer to being together for good. I end this blog on a good note but otherwise still sad ,especially after my conversation with my Love today...oh well ,everything happens for a reason...till next time

Happy Birthday

To one of the funniest girls i know!

Acctually her birthday was this weekend, but im giving her kladdkaka tomorrow.

Beautful right?:) My masterpiece!

A long weekend has finally ended...

Well after a whirlwind 5 days of no sleep,lots of alcohol and food it comes to an end. The friends have went home and rest is well deserved.I slept from 8pm last night till 8am this morning. I guess I'll start from last wednesday with the arrival of Linda Roberts. Guided by a treasure map she finds me at the store after starting her trip at 4am from her front door in California to my store in Florida. After hugs and catching up she goes to explore South Beach and finds Edward Cullen..she fell in love.

The first night was spent making her hotel arrangements,getting showered because walking during the day is no bueno(stinky and sweaty). We came to my place and had dinner and went exploring. You know the usual,Lincoln Road,Ocean Ave and such. We had a few drinks on Lincoln and in true ray fashion You find me "Mean Muggin" behind a glass...

On thursday linda went exploring and found some unique things in Florida. We thought these were funny can you see why??

And he was definitely "Swingin along"...

Friday afternoon Paul Caruso arrived and spent the afternoon with Linda doing a little more exploring. On friday night we had a night out at Automatic Slims and hung out with new friends and old. We had a great time. We also met a really cool couple from Atlanta with whom I look forward to hangin out with again when I visit Atlanta.
Also a random German guy who was studying English in America. Good Times...

We woke up early one day and went to the Beach and swam and layed out watching all the people. You know I
cant get in the water with my boy and not tackle him. This pic is after I shoved him in and ran away Smiling

All of the days I spent at work while Paul and Linda went exploring. They found a petting zoo and paul made a new friend.

All in all good time were had and memories were made. I leave you now because I have to wrok. Check back soon as I will be posting more pics



Dinner of the week

Ive been so good this whole week and cooking dinners for myself, instead of going to my mums and dads.
Must say it has been sometimes fun, and sometimes frustrating. I can say that im not a top chef, but the outcome was okay!

So to prove to all, especially my Ray that im not lying... I have to pics to show.

Pasta with pesto, mushrooms, pastasauce

Pancakes of course!

Salmon with creme and other stuf, and couscous

Ham, olives, cheese pie

Pizza with ham, pesto, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese.

Tomorrow is time for a new week, with a lot of leftovers in the freezer.


Just on my way out to do some grocery shopping, when it started to hail.. a lot!
I like when you hear the hail against the roof and windows, like rain but much harder:)
Its a kind of sound i could easly fall asleep hearing.

Soon i will have a videodate with my Ray:)

Family Guy

Jag älskar nog Family Guy.
Får mig att skratta, även en tråkig dag som denna.

God Natt

Söta karl

Ray Ray skriver väldigt ofta till mig på svenska. Han gör det bra, och oftast blir det helt rätt.
Men det är gångerna som det inte blir korrekt som får mig att uppskatta hans försök ännu mer.

Raymond:- vad klockan är u bort i morgon?
Vilket betyder: Vilken tid slutar du imorgon?

Det är så sött och får mig att tänka naaaaaaaw.

End of the week

Here's some pictures from this weekend babe!

Started on friday with a get together at my parents..

Trying to hold a hot coffea pot with the inside of your hand.. I guess it's a guy thing.

And ended on sunday with Pizza and spending time with my favourite girls!

Fussy Girl

OOhhhh (lets out a very long sigh) what to do what to do?? Today Emma was being "all kinda fussy girl" during our Sunday morning Skype session. I have no words to say when she tells me she hates me for being on the other side of the world. The "hate" part is not to be confused with hating me. She just hates the situation. As do I. Whats being in love if your not with the person you love so dearly.Dare I say it?? I say it," Being in a long distance relationship is hard and stressful". There,I said it. But I still dont feel any better. I wonder why??  I think out loud in my head and try to figure out the easiest way to be together,But quickly realize,that there is no "easy" way to go about uprooting any of the 2 lives in this relationship.Either I go there and attempt to become fluent in Swedish and wait around till I can work. All the while she being the sole souce of income. Or it can be vice versa. Either way its no fun for the provider having to work all the time cause the other cant. Bum situation. So now as I sit at the shop writing this I hope Levi comes back with good news in the form of we will be moving the store to Venice Beach. Only then will the problem become easier.For now I wait. Other than "All kinda fussy girls on a Sunday morning" life is routine. Eat,sleep,skate. Life of a beach bum when your job is easy and life rolls by. I guess I can see her frustration when she longs rto be near me. She would make an excellent beach bum. And just a little side note my girl is looking "Extra Hot" these days. I should be more motivated to have all that next to me 24-7.So I end this weblog and start a new week. Paul and Linda will be visiting me here in Florida this week. Good times. I leave you with a pic from my private Emma collection. Normally for "My eyes only" but being that she is not here I need something to keep me going..Hejda



Fast det känns som en söndag. Jag tror helatiden att jag ska jobba imorgon, och när jag kommer på att jag inte ska blir jag lätad. Lättad över att ha en dag till att bara göra ingeting:P

Spenderat kvällen med Johnnaponna <3
Vi har kikat på Zombieland, som fastän det är en komedi gjort mig lite rädd nu på kvällskvisten.
Tänk om jag ändå kunde ha min karl här. Hatar att vara ensam, mörkrädd och feg.

I all denna få bort zombies hur skallen vevan började jag kika på kort som jag fick ifrån Johnna för några dagar sen. Hittade flera kort som fick mig att skratta, men dem bjuder jag inte på. Inte idag:P
Istället blir ett lite urval av kort som gjorde mig glad helt enkelt!

God natt!

Alot of catchin up to do

Well. Here Iam after a long hiatus people. My sincere apologies. Today I write from my store as Iam at work already. I have been in sort of a routine with things.Up for work (im working alone cuz Levi's in LA).aT WORK 9 /10 HRS a day.Home at 8/9 to make dinner (which for 1 is no fun) then to bed later and start it all over again. I cant wait till Emmas here so I can make dinner for 2. I have been looking at tickets to Europe. The plan is be there again in late November early December. Almost a year later. I dont know for how long though.Whatever time I stay it will be well deserved and needed. I long for her day and night...well I have business to handle. I leave you with what I dream of every night...Her


Nu har jag min chans att vara duktig.
Jag kan antingen sitta hemma hela dagen och göra nada, eller så kan jag åka och jobba lite övertid.
Valet är mitt, och det lutar mot duktiga emma.

Innan jag far dock så ska jag även testa att göra mig själv en ordentlig frukost. Jag, som många andra älskar frukost men är både för lat och stressad på morgon för att äta.
En hotellfrukost hade varit perfekt just nu.

Heltrött idag i hela kroppen. Beror nog på allt hoppande jag och Maria gjorde på studsmatta igår. Svettiga blev vi visst, men det var kul. En massa snygga kort togs det också, som kanske en dag hittar fram till denna blogg.

Det var nog allt för tillfället:)

Pappa 55

Nej det är ingen vanlig dag för det är pappas femtiofemte födelsedag hurra hurra hurra!

Måste säga att pappa verkligen har tur som har mig som dotter, som bara kommer in i huset som vanligt och säger hej som vilket dag som helst. Och inte hade jag köpt någon present heller. Det är bara att konstantera att jag stående med en Världens Bästa Dotter statyett i handen och hålla ett tack tal känns så långt borta som det kan bli!

Jag älskar min pappa, fastän jag var dålig att visa det idag.

Å ni som inte känner han, han är tok-kul!


Nä nu tar jag och bloggar på svenska.
Fantasin och mina engelskakunskaper går helt enkelt inte ihop!

Det är bara tisdag idag är en bra mening att sammanfatta min dag. En lång dag.
Ska även komma ihåg denna dag, för idag så har jag önskat karma på en annan person.
En person som jag inte känner alls, men som förstörde min dag totalt. Jag borde egentligen vara en mogen tjej och sluta tänka på det, men en stor nackdel över att vara mig är att jag har väldigt svårt att sluta tänka på något när det väl har fastnat där inne. Fast jag har även bestämt mig att ta vara på denna dag och faktiskt lära mig något. Jag ska tänka en andra gång innan jag låter MIN elakhet gå ut över någon annan.
Ja, det har jag lärt mig idag.

Önskar mig en superstorcola, megafetpopcornpåse och en film där ord som taskprutt är det värsta man kan säga till någon.

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