Nytt inlagg : Things to look forward to...

As I sit in flip flops and socks I'm thinking of things I can look forward to when I go to visit Emma in March. I can't help but to daydream. My thoughts often wander off and I picture everything, every little detail. The night before when I have butterflies in my stomach . The way it feels to walk out my door  the next day and take planes trains and automobiles across the world. But best of all the way it will feel to see her in person and kiss her hello. Pure bliss. I dont think many of you (assuming many of you actually read this ) can imagine how  the feeling of an honest to goodness LONG DISTANCE relationship feels. Ugh, my beautiful young woman shrunk down and condensed into a tiny, grainy, square on my computer screen. I need not fret,soon enough. Seeing her and feeling her is the icing on the cake, but what about all  of the other great things Sweden has to offer????
For starters I can think of all the great food. One of my faves is Messmor. A swedish butter with a hint of vanilla

This Stuff is great on bread!! I actually have a tube here and am eating a piece of toast as i write this..(short pause for a bite). Another great item I'am looking forward to is Trocadero soda. Trocadero is a soft drink popular in Sweden; it is flavored with apples and oranges.
OMG you have absolutely no idea how great this soda is. As americans we are use to Coca-Cola,Pepsi, Mt. Dew and such, but this soda blows any American soda out of the water .

Ahh yes. I seriously cant wait to go to ICA and grab a great salad. This has to be the best salad I have ever eaten. What's ICA you ask, its Swedens chain of supermarkets. Well they are all thru Europe and are similar to a big Ralphs,Food 4 less. One of the things I enjoy about The ICA's are the selection of meat they have. Man was there alot of stuff to go through when your there!! I'm pretty sure I have been to this one because it's in Ostersund where Emma's sister and friends live,but I could be mistaken as there are lot's of them throughout Europe,but this one looks familiar.

Those are just some of the thing's I look forward to. There's honestly only one thing Iam looking forward to and thats my beautiful young Swedish girl. I long to lay next to her,hold her and kiss her. I can guarantee we'll be attached at the hip the whole 12 days Im there. I look forward to seeing my extended family and friends even if I stand out like a sore thumb. I'am accepted and loved and look forward to being there even if my time is short  :) For now I leave you with her..my love my life my Emma.

Till next time. Thank you to those who take time to read this. I'm trying to keep up and stay constant with events thoughts and such.



Some random favorite pics from 2010 Enjoy..... :)


New Year New Blogs

Well I admit I had given up blogging on this site. In part due to Emma's lack of participation. Shes has since taken back to her solo blog and left me to blog alone. I know right?? How can a blog be called Ray AND EMMA if only ray blogs. So here goes I made a resolution to blog once a week if not more just to keep anybody who actually reads this up to speed. So here goes

Yes a new year means new and exciting things. Alot has changed for me since Jan 01 2010. I am now gainfully employedat 2 cool jobs,and while the hours can sometime be a bit of a drag. I dont have to wait 2 weeks to get money. Great for me. I have started the K1 Visa process for Emma and I have now began to count days. Something I should not be doing but mentally have no control over.I hope it goes quick so that we may marry and begin our life here in Miami. Miami aahhh Miami. I thought after Los Angeles I would never fall in love with another city. But Miami is now as much a part of me as Los Angeles. The city,the sights ,the sounds,the people,the food and the beach. All to die for. My babe will definitely get some color after some time here. I dont anticipate the 2nd part of the Visa process taking too long,but until she can work,what else is there for her to do but explore and lie on the beach all day like the queen she is?? I have many things planned for her when she comes to live with me. We also have to plan a wedding. WEDDING!!! What the heck am I thinking were gonna be married too!!! Well I'll leave that for another blog. For now I have 1 hr left on my day and then I'm outty. I'm heading straight to the bar to catch some College Football and grab a beer after a long days work.Till the next time Be cool. Stay sucka free. And like a blog I love to read I'll leave you with this
Over and Out :)

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