Pre planning

Yes pre planning is the order of the day. I have been researching online prices for Hotel when Emma arrives. The 1st of our place to stay will be here at the Morongo Casino Resort and Spa. Its only 5 minutes from my house!!I have been looking at prices and OMG when Emma,Frida and Carl finalize their plans.I plan to treat to my love to 4 days here. For more pics check here. Plans later down the line include Santa Monica . We are trying to get to Magic Mountain as well.Everything is super super early to tell. But Godwilling everything comes together!! for now I leave


Success !!

Yes .. success. Success ... ok enough of that. But I have managed to score an interview on Friday afternoon a 4pm. With Salvatore Feragamo. if your not familiar with the Company ... Here is a link # / parade/27614 /
Yes this job would be excellent. I keep my fingers crossed. How I would love to have a job before Emma's here. If I did, she could stay even longer. Well part 1 is done.Now to ace the inteview !!!!


Some pictures from the weekend:)

10.000 steps

I'm kind of excited, a competition starts tomorrow at work:)
We are gonna wear pedometers and walk 10.000 steps every day until 18/6!

I'm not really worried about the 10.000 steps part.. It's the remember to wear the pedometer (I have Emma goldfish syndrome) that's gonna be a problem!


The notebook

Have you seen the notebook?
Probably you have!

The reason i ask is because that movie has been on my mind theese last days.
Thats because Ray wrote this post telling how we met. He always remember everyting.. to every small detail:)
We're totally opposites when it comes to memory.
You can say that i have a memory as a goldfish and Ray has a memory as an elephant.

Coming back to the subject, Ray always says that he and I will be like that couple when we get older.
He will sit down with me every day and tell me stories about us.

Isn't that love?;)

Without them...

So I was going through my cameras the other day and found this picture of Emma and Maddy. This picture they snuck in while I was at work or school. I looked at the date and realized I had not been living there that long. Needless to say I was all smiles when I saw this. I sit here now and think back to the days and months before I met Madeleine Borg and Emma Zakariasson. And .. well ... my life was not very good. I was staying place to place. Just out of a bad relationship. But still staying afloat. It was midterm, everybody in school studying and going crazy! I was working like a madman and trying to Maintain homework ARRGGHHHH ... then Jesper Froberg came to live with me. The Very First SWEDE to cross my path. In tote he had with him Jesse Dunder ... another pretty blonde Swedish girl. When Jesper and I met we clicked immediately.I was going on a date and Decided to take them out and explore the city for the first time. It was fun. I was shortly after that Jesper moved into a sick place in the Marina close to the Roxy house. If you have ever been to Marina Del Rey its close to the beach and every Apt complex is dope. Well back to midterm week .. Jesper was a really good cook. He was having a dinner party (something I took to the extreme whenI lived with the girls) and invited me. I decided to skip school that night and go enjoy a night out with friends and food.It was the GREATEST CHOICE I HAVE EVER MADE IN MY LIFE. It was that decision that changed my life. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were chilling and everyone was so international. You had me from the U.S.. . A guy from Japan. Jesper and jess from Sweden .. kenny from Hawaii. Then jesper says he had lots more girls coming! I was in awe .. So there we go ... skating to the bustop to meet some girls. And there they were. The 2 girls who would soon thereafter change my life and Maddy Emma.My first impression was .. "wonder if they speak english?" They did;) so after a quick trip to 7 11 back to the pad we went. I swear not 5 minutes after these girls walked into Jesper announced to me they needed a roommate! What luck! I needed a room! We spoke and though I chatted an Maddy, Emma and I talked. My love will tellyou she does not rememberour conversation, but I do .. I was so interested in these Swedes that I just asked questions. A couple of days after I went to check out the Apt. And I was ready to go. I was not at the 2nd to the last day of my trip to Sweden that I finally got them to admit they thought I was gay!! Stupid fashion classes! I know of no American girls who would invite a guy to live with them and the say "hey share our room" unless the thought he was gay. Well A llittle over a year later Im writing this blog for you to read, I'm in love with one of those Swedish girls .. and the other is like my sister. If it was not for these 2 girls I would not be where Iam today. If your reading this Iam so very thankful to both of you for letting me live with you. You guys have changed my life forever! Many thanks to My Love and My Sister!


work pics..

been a long four days

well I must say that trying to keep up on an internet blog daily is a very hard thing to do for me. I have no internet so making the walk is less than exciting.especilally if noone is reading this...oh well ....emme will
;) it has been a very busy weekend. we are changing our  washroom and i have been working like a madman.
lots of time has been spent there. mix that with helping out other family members and..well productivity skyrockets to the roof.I also still search or work.I was to be employed already...but to no avail. i feel like iam letting emma down.she wishes to be here next to me bad. but cant do  so till i have a place of my own and a job to pay for it. The search continues.on a brighter note the weather here has been exceptonally well.spring is definitely here and it feels great!! well short for today.i have work to do andtime waits for noone.


Tired tired tired tired

Yesterday: I made a big mess in my kitchen...

After 1,5 hours (around 23.30) i was done and tired!

I've been playing with Timmy and Tove today. They just went to bed, and i'm tired.
Todays word is tired! soo, Good Night! I'm tired!

Did i mention that i am tired?

My day


A funny saying about work.
Not true though, i'm a good worker!:)

My first time trying pilates! Damn it's hard!
I didn't look anyting like the girl on the picture above, and i'm really starting to understand how little i know about/have control over my own body! Because i was the only new one(and probably because i sucked) the instructor were pokeing and touching me, making sure i was using my stomach and butt muscles:P

My dad came over to help me put up a shelf in the kitchen. Or, helped.. accutally he did all of the work.
Now I can start collect cookbooks! I don't know what it is, but theese past weeks I have grown an interest to cook and bake. I guess it's a good interest?:) I think it's because i tried to bake someting and when i manage i wanted to try to cook someting. All in all, i found someting that i think is fun and i will keep practice so I can make my boyfriend a special dinner next time i see him.

Emma hearts Raymond

That's all folks!

Here are some more pics of my home..enjoy.. Raymond ;)

Sunset In CA

late start...;)

hmmmm ... late start this morning. My mind is blank.My head is hazy.Gulp Gulp Gulp aaahhhh ... there goes the sweet smell Of Starbucks African Blend. I wonder what my love is up to? We spoke for a minute yesterday. Looks like she will make the trek across the ocean sometime in June. I long for her. Miss her more than anything. Though I miss her, She is always in my heart. My sister Frida and her man Carl will accompany her on the journey. (quickpause. .. nom nom nom nom nom) (i love the blueberry muffins at starbucks). I will do my best to show them my home. Maybe I will take them to Casino Morongo. Yes Im sure they will enjoy it. I know for sure that Emma and I will take advantage of the Movie theater downtown. For the low price of $ 3.75 - (american dollars) we will be sure to take in all the movies when she is here to live permanently. Whats that you ask? Yes she will eventually come for good. I hate to steal from her momma and poppa Zakariasson. And I know that Kloss, Emma # 2, and Maddy will miss her as well but she will be my wife and she will live here .. godwilling;) but fret not my Swedish kin. We will have a place for you to come visit. Although Sweden is beautiful in Summer, Summer in the desert is just as lovely. We speak of having 2 homes one in Sweden and one here in America. We will spend some seasons here and some there. Aaahh And The kids.Yes our children, they will definitely love summers and winters with their family abroad. Which will serve them well as they will be fluent in Swedish by that time. I hope to learn as well. Yes little Levi and Little Mimieux will be beautiful children for they have beautiful parents and all the beautiful auntie to help them along ... (Loong siigh) Well I must go for now I have done enough daydreaming for one morning. Time to try and make it all reality;) Hejda and Goodbye

On the road.

As I said earlier, the days are brighter now!
When Ray was here it was very dark outside 24/7, so I thought I'd post a video clip so he can see how it is now.

Filmed this morning at 7.30 am on the way to work.:)


Pics Part 2


Welcome to my backyard

  • So I guess since I have been to her part of the world, I feel that I should show her a little bit of mine. Stromsund Is a very beautiful place. Although small, what it lacks in size, it makes up for in Sight and Sound. The same can be said of my hometown Banning. Small in size by U.S. standards, but still relatively bigger than there (Strömsunds) You often forget that if u seek just a little bit of adventure you need not look further than your own backyard. Mine being Idyllwild pronounced (idol-wild) for my Swedish readers.On sunday and old friend and myself took advantage of the Boredom that sets in by friday afternoon.We Decided that we should drive up the mountain and go for a hike. I was not disappointed. When Frida Emma and Carl come visit (very soon I might add) I will be sure to take my new family as well.The following pics are from 2 separate hiking trips. As I also took my niece, nephew and crazy dog Go-Go on a separate trip last night. For now I leave you with the pics from both trips.


Stupid snow

I'm so jealous of Ray..

Imagine walking around with flipflops and t-shirt instead of putting on stupid two layers of clothes, stupid snow boots, stupid big jacket, stupid gloves, and stupid fur hat.
I want summer, and i want it now!
You can say i'm snowsick(if that word even excist?)!

At least the days are much lighter. No more dark-outside when you leave for work and dark-outside when you come home. Having it dark all the time is kind of depressing.
And its getting a little warmer to!

But the best thing of it getting closer to summer:  I'm traveling to the states to visit Ray!:)
I'm so impatient right now:)


Its my first gentle ;)

Hmmm a blog? There would have been a time If someone was to tell me I would have a really hot Swedish girlfriend, I would have said "get the F # ^ k outta here". But today it is true. I'am in a comitted loving long distance relationship with Emma Zakariason. She is from Sweden. I on the other hand am from America. This is my very first time blogging. From my observation of other blog's all you have to do is write ... so I have. Our blog is done on opposite sides of the Earth ... Which should make it even more interesting;) today was the ice breaker. Starting tomorrow I will get deeper. For now I leave you with my favorite picture of my favorites girl Emma goodbye;)My Very Beautiful 'Loving'Blue eyed'Swedish Snowbunny ;)


I'm first

The idea of having a blog together came from Raymond himself. We decided it would be a fun way to write and show eachother what we're up to, being on opposite sides of the sea.
Of course, anybody who reads or follows our blog are very welcome to do so!

When i write: Excuse me for all misspellings, swenglish, wrong usage of words or if the things i write doesn't make any sence at all! 

And just because i sat down to write something, my head goes all blank?
Maybe my head is just empty, maybe it's writing in english that makes it all harder, i don't know?
The only thing you will get from this post is a picture of the dinner i made yesterday, Moussaka!
Probably the third meal i made all by myself, so enjoy;)


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