14 is a lucky number.
14 was a good age.
14 is 2 mores ounces than a 12 ounce beer.
14 kids we might have. 14 times I say yeah right to that.
14 minutes I will hold and kiss her when we meet again.
14 days is 2 more days than I will be there.
14 days and I will be in Sweden my home away from home.


21 = 3 Weeks

Can it be??? Is it time?? 21.
21 more mornings till I wake up next to her.
21 more days to plan and pack(I'm already) ready to go.
21 more years together.
21 degrees will it be??
21 years her age. Nej. She is 23.
Vad ska jag göra?
Vad kommer jag äta?
21 is a lucky number.
21 was my favorite birthday.
21 was Hectors best bday party.
21 friends or more I have in Sweden.
21 dagar jag önskar att jag kunde bo hos henne.

21 days and she will be in my arms.
21 = 3 weeks ....
Then the 2 of us have been together for 2 years.
21 more years I look forward to with my Swedish Snow Bunny :)
Tack :)


It's that time again people. The time where the days start flying by and we will soon see me off to Sweden. Am I prepped you ask? Well the preparation has begun as far money goes. Im working7 days a week to get ahead on bill's and actually have some money to travel with. I mean you can't expect me to stop in London and not have a few beers right. Ahhhh,English ale. Me likey.When it comes to clothing well I'm gonna be a little short. Living in Florida has it's downside. Yes the beaches are beautiful,yes it's always sunny but that is the problem. The summer was frikkin brutal, and I mean brutal people. Your better off wearing as less as possible, thus, leaving me short of warm clothing. I need not fret. I have a peacoat purchased last year that will suit me just fine. My only worry is the under clothing. I'm skinny, the cold hits me straight to the bone unless I'm layered. Last year I had long johns top and bottom, this year I only have the bottoms which I by luck found at a Target in Atlanta because it was chilly there as well. The search is on for layers. As I sit here writing this I realize I need a new suitcase. I chucked my old one. I have that covered, there is a little old man that sells them cheap downstairs. I also learned a great lesson last time and that's to travel light when going international. You have no idea how much it sucks to have a backpack and a carry on and a jacket going from terminal to terminal plane to plane only to end up adding your checked luggage to your arm and running to catch a train!! The solution, 1 backpack, 1 checked bag and no carry on. Other than that I'am just ready to get it on. I have 3, yes count them 3 jobs that keep me occupied 7 days a week for the next 30 days. I look forward to waking up early March 3rd 2011 and heading to Miami International Airport and making my way to her. I'm not gonna lie. My flight leaves at 3:35 pm and plan on getting there at 12 pm just so I can sit there and bask in the glory of being able to make such a trip. The best part is that the day after I arrive is our 2 year anniversary and look forward to waking up next to her after 2 years that seem like 4 because of the distance and time we have spent apart for so long. A day well deserved.  I often feel like I write super mushy stuff when I write here, but then again I guess writing something is better than nothing right?? I'am also reaching out to you Emma Zakariasson. WHEN THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA POST SOMETHING. The blog after is called Ray AND EMMA RIGHT BABE??? Sorry people. My love needs a little kick in the keester sometimes. So when she does post something we will all be surprised!!! Well my fingers hurt from typing and I got work to do. Till next time be cool...see ya on the flipside


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